Republic Day 2017, India

Hello hello my dear readers. 

First of all, TheLoneWolf would like to express his gratitude to all the readers from all across the globe, USA, France, Egypt, Ireland, and of course Indian readers for their continued support to this new blog on the block.

Today, with pride in my heart, I would like to tell my dear readers that India is celebrating its 68th Republic Day. It was on 26th January, 1950 that India became a Republic country. It was on this historic day that the Constitution of India came into force, replacing the Government of India act, 1935 into the governing document of India.

The crown prince of Abu Dhabi  (Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan) will receive the honour of being the chief guest on this momentous celebration of our history.
While India has made staggering progress in the world since her independence from the British Raj in 1947, much of her potential remains untapped. Our nation has grown in stature in the international arena, still there are a lot of shortcomings in our country that are pulling our nation back from realising it's true potential. With the youngest population in the world, India has a huge latent source of talent that can propell our great nation on its way towards glory.
The focal point of my blog today will be to enlist a few changes that I would like to bring about in our nation that might help our nation to take its true place in the world and to provide a better life for our future generations. Without further ado, let's get started on this self reflection.


Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi propounded the idea of holding national and state elections simultaneously to end this vicious cycle of elections that our nation seems to be caught in at the moment. Governance is sometimes taking tough decisions which might come across as unpopular in the short term, but are gainful in the long term. Also, government is sometimes forced to either withdraw or implement certain decisions because they are forced to pacify a certain caste or group from the point of view of winning election. If the central as well as federal elections are conducted simultaneously, then the incumbent government can focus solely on governance and not pay attention to the political or social fallout of decisions that can upset poll calculations but are beneficial for the nation as a whole.

Also, India has a federal structure where a major share of power in national politics remains to  with regional satraps, especially whenever there is a coalition government at the centre. Such leaders play to the gallery to win favour of their local citizens, often hindering decisions of national implications. Holding simultaneous elections might also help to place curb on such myopic selfish interests of regional demagogues.

To put it precisely, if the country faces only one election in every five years, and of course sometimes in between if a government fails to prove majority in the event of a no confidence motion, it will empower the central as well as state governments to govern effectively and not surrender to election pandering.


Whenever any lay person applies for a job, the first thing that's evaluated is that person's educational qualification. It is a great irony that our NETAS, who are going to take decisions that will decide the direction of our nation are not required to match any educational benchmarks. I think a law should be promulgated to ensure that not any bootlegger can become a part of the government solely on the crutches of money and muscle power. Having educated people running our government will bring efficiency in decision making and at the same time discourage the entry of thugs into mainstream politics.


India recently conducted one of the most historic decisions of demonetization to end the menace of black money, and it was spearheaded by PM Modi. There is an old saying that goes by like "charity begins at home". I think it is high time that all political parties should come under the purview of Income tax and should transparently account for all the donations that they obtain. This measure will go a long way in inhibiting the role of black money in elections and ensure clean politics. It will cleanse the electoral system of thugs who win elections on the support of their money. It will also give a level playing field to deserving candidates who fight elections on the basis of issues and their talent.


Parliament can aptly be described as the temple of democracy. It's sanctity must be upheld under all circumstances. However, in recent years the whole nation has sadly witnessed our Parliament to becoming a battlefield of sorts. Sessions after sessions in Parliament have been washed out, held hostage by relentless sloganeering from the opposition benches. Even the President had to come out and ask our Parliamentarians to uphold the honour of the Parliament. Not only does it creates a policy paralysis, but it also causes a massive wastage of public money being spent in running the Parliament.

A law must be created to suspend all and any Parliamentarian who creates a ruckus in the house. A cut in their salary shall also be introduced if they fail to conduct business in the house. Marshalls can also be used if the situation cannot be brought under control.
Our Parliamentarians must realise that India will no longer tolerate such blatant disregard of Parliament's honour.


No change in a nation can be brought about without a change in it's civil society. We may go on and on about how imperfect our NETAS might be, but we must realise that our leaders are not coming from another planets! Our NETAS come from within our society and so it is imperative for us to realise that we as a collective people hold the responsibility of building a proud nation for future generations to come. We must end menaces such as corruption, communalism, casteism, racism, regionalism and stand together as one nation. If 125 core people pledge that we will give our little individual contribution in building a strong nation, there is not a power in this world that can stop India from becoming a global leader.

So folks, with this we come to the end of yet another blog from TheLoneWolf. I hope that even if one person is motivated by my humble appeal to all us Indians and is ready to assume his or her responsibility to build a strong nation, I would feel privileged to have such an awesome readership.
So, I would like to wish all my fellow Indians a very happy REPUBLIC DAY and wish all the best to our nation India.



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