Hello hello my readers.

This is The Lone Wolf,  reporting from his cozy room in this winter season on a Monday evening, bringing yet another blockbuster blog about one of the most talked about seismic shifts in the landscape of world politics. Well folks today the spotlight of my blog shall be on the man who is now the most powerful person in the free world, the person at the helm of the oldest democracy on record.

Yes, you guessed it right, today I will be expressing my unbiased opinion about The Elected President of America, DONALD J. TRUMP. On January20th,2017, Donald Trump took oath for the most powerful office in the world, the office of the President of USA.

Since the day Trump announced his intentions for running in the US presidential race, he has been a highly polarizing figure, both amongst the citizens of USA and the media houses as well. Most of the liberal media houses have largely lambasted Trump for his crass and distasteful election campaign that has been replete with below the belt cheap shots at his opponents, some right leaning media houses have tacitly supported his election warcry.

I am writing this blog from the vantage point of an outsider to American politics, so I would like to assure my American readers on the outset, please don’t get offended from my opinions about your judgement, because I really don’t care! I am writing this blog with the utmost rectitude and have no intentions to ridicule you as a people of poor choice.

All those who closely followed the latest American election would agree that this election campaign was perhaps the most sordid election ever conducted in the American history on record. The language that was being used from the winning candidate was downright obnoxious, his views about many issues were disgusting, and all the shameful name calling that preceded pertinent issues was nothing short of blasphemous cacophony.

Several learned people from the American nuclear think tank have already sounded their worries about the fact that Trump, who can easily be irritated by a simple tweet against him, is not mentally fit to control the most powerful nuclear arsenal in the world. The pope has remarked that even Adolf Hitler did not steal power, Hitler was elected by his people and then he used that power to destroy his people. Many political observers all across the world have pointed out that this election result is yet another symptom of the increasingly alarming rightward shift towards ultra nationalism and deglobalisation in the politics of post industrial revolution western democracies, with the Brexit serving as another anecdotal evidence.

It is no secret that Trump has tapped into the undercurrent of disquiet amongst the American polity who have been sickened by the democratic pandering towards the lower class and the elite. The middle class felt spurned by their politicians, and in turn have chosen a demagogue they don’t really fully understand.

Trump represents the extremely radical face of ultra rightwing politics that feeds on the disillusioned citizens by feeding them false hope in the name of nationalism. I would like to add a quick trivia that chilling parallels can be drawn between Trump’s inaugural speech and Bane’s speech of freedom in the cult movie THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, where both cajole about giving the power back to the people, and we all know what Bane really was upto. So, good luck to all the yanks.

Since this is such a cataclysmic development that has spread ripples all across the world, I will be analyzing this election result in two phases:




Trump ran an obnoxious campaign, resorting to language of the lowest denomination that shocked many. He expressed his views on several opinions, and based on these conjectures I will try to give my prognosis about the bleak times to come for USA.

Firstly, I will write about the impact of Trump win on the socio-cultural fabric of USA. While we can accuse the American society of blatant racism and islamophobia, but there is no country on the face of planet earth that can boast of being perfect. Despite its shortcomings, American society has largely been very receptive of people from all castes and creeds. People from all across the world have used the opportunities on offer in the fields of academics, business, cinema and contemporary art and have become an inseparable part of the American dream. Donald Trump is a man who stands in direct contradiction to this social hybridization. It is a dark hour for pluralism and communal harmony that this nation has come to stand for.

Trump has vociferously campaigned against migrants and against muslims, denigrated black and latin Americans, launched advertisements that had an undercurrent of being anti-Semitic, and all of his inflammatory remarks were widely cheered by the racist white people who have been made to believe that their incompetence is somehow not responsible for their problems, but the “immigrants” are. Trump has promised to build a wall on the Mexican border, and all such election sloganeering gives a chilling reminder of how Hitler made Germans believe that Jews were the root cause of all their problems. Trump also shows symptoms of suffering from the disease of misogyny.

Trump has consistently denigrated, belittled, sexualized and stereotyped women over the course of his campaign. During a particular GOP debate, he was accused of referring to women he doesn’t like as “fat pigs”, “dogs”, “slobs”, to which he impudently retorted that he didn’t have time for political correctness. All his remarks about the social unity of USA were surely been targeted to the lowest denominator of his country, and the scary part is that he has succeeded in his endeavour!
Trump has repeatedly referred to the Mexicans as “rapists” and  “criminals”, threatened to ban muslims from entering the US. He has regularly retweeted white supremacists and neo-nazis.
To put it bluntly, if you are coloured or Mexican or latino or Islamic, well, USA no longer will embrace you with a warm hug. Such a divisive posture is for sure going to ring the death knell for the American social unity.

After going through the social impact of this horrendous win, I will now express my opinion about the ECONOMIC FALLOUT  of Trump’s win.  From the end of this month, Trump will assume complete authority of the American executive and the support of a unified republican congress.  While the comprehensive analysis on this issue will only be possible after atleast 6 months of Trump’s presidency, from what we can make out of his remarks in his campaign and his inaugural victory speech, it’s that American economy might move towards deglobalization. He has threatened many foreign car companies to move their production units to US land or face massive taxes, he has also implicitly threatened the immigrant workforce that they might have to vacate jobs for the “native” white folk. All such foolhardy rhetoric doesn’t augur well for an open economy that’s so intertwined with the world economy. Trump is expected to slash tax rates, especially targeted at the working and middle class tax slab, who have been his mainstay constituency. He is also expected to lower business tax rates to roughly 15%. Trump might also be able to implement the Keynesian fiscal stimulus to promote growth. He may also boost public spending and relax debt limits, to which the republicans are always averse to whenever the incumbent prez is a democrat. In congruence with the President’s vision on a massive splurge in spending on infrastructure and military advancements, the US national debt is not expected to drop down any time sooner. While a government sponsored stimulus might provide a temporary boost to the economy, in the longer run it inevitably creates a spiraling growth-decline phenomenon in the economy. With no panacea in sight or even a plan to create jobs, the US economy is not expected to accelerate any time sooner.



With the rise of the dreaded ISIS, the ongoing civil war in Syria and simmering tensions in the Indo-China water areas, the role of USA as a world power becomes all the more important. But with the eccentric Trump now leading the most powerful army in the world, it is hard to grasp what his approach shall be.

The US-Russia relations are at an all time low since the fall of soviet union and the end of cold war. Both the countries are at crossroads in their history. USA has imposed economic sanctions on Russia for annexing Crimea and supporting secessionists in Ukraine. The Chinese aggressions in the south-china sea, its hegemonic approach towards its neighbours and supporting rogue state Pakistan’s nuclear programme has created a volatile situation in the Asia pacific.

Coming to the issue of ISIS and Syrian crisis, it is highly unpredictable as to which way Trump organization shall proceed. He has proclaimed that USA will wipe out Islamic terrorism from the face of earth, but whether he is ready to sacrifice USA’s “strategic assets” to bring order to this macabre war situation in the area remains to be seen.

On the issue of tensions with Russia, it is anyone’s guess. There are reports that President Trump is a good friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, to which Trump has described as being an asset not a liability, if the reports are indeed correct. Also, there is a conspiracy theory that the Russian intelligence tampered US elections to facilitate a Trump victory because they have a video evidence of Trump in “compromising” situation, that they might use to gain leverage over the US President. Trump, quite naturally, has vehemently denied all such reports, even threatening the media of dire consequences for reporting this story. Whether Trump extends an olive branch to Russians or adopts the traditional belligerent approach would decide the future of the war torn realm of sub-Sahara region.

On the issue of China, Trump has been as coherent in his opinion as anyone can be. He has openly berated China for its bellicose posture, often issuing warnings to the Chinese leadership to tone down their stance in the South-China Sea.  China, however is not a power that can be bullied, even by USA, and I hope Trump administration adopts an objective yet peaceful way to diffuse tensions in this region.

With all that said, my opinion is that Trump may play to the gallery by upping the role of US army in world diplomacy, which is only going to further deteriorate the world order. Trump is an impulsive leader who can easily be offended, his views on handling the US nuclear arsenal have been inconsistent at best, and such a thin skinned leader is in no way intellectually fit to lead the world order. His views on a host of pertinent social issues have been highly detestable, his opinion of his opponents is downgrading. He lacks empathy and any sort of mental faculties to bring order to the floundering US economy.

I would like to conclude this blog with a simple chant, 


Goodbye Readers!!!


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